Exam preparation:
If you would like to refresh your knowledge before taking the presence exam, we offer appropriate training for exam preparation.
- Attendance training for exam preparation:
Benefit from the accompanied learning process by our professional trainers. In this way, any questions that arise can be clarified immediately in dialog. These training courses can be held at our training center in Oldenburg or, if you wish, at your premises. Examination acceptance is possible on the same day directly after the training.
- Training for exam preparation:
Use our modern digital media to prepare yourself optimally for the exam. After successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate that entitles you to take the exam.
If you are familiar with all questions, you can take the presence exam according to DOK 017 and DOK 018 at our company, OldenworX GmbH. In-house examination at your location on request.
The certificate is issued by our DAkkS-accredited examination center (APV- Zertifizierungs GmbH) – including the patches (stickers) for the personal security passport.
The certificate is valid for 5 years.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 017 Personnel certification (examination)235,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 017 Personnel Certification (Online-Training)125,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 017 Personnel Certification (Online-Training and Examination)340,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 018 Personnel certification (examination)215,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 018 Personnel certification (Online-Training)125,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
- SCC-VAZ 2021 DOK 018 Personnel Certification (Online-Training and Examination)320,00 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt.
Change in the SCC rulebook!
The following changes will apply to you as of 15.10.2021: The period of validity of the SCC regulations will be limited to a maximum of 5 years or until 31.10.2026. Certificates issued for examinations prior to 15.10.2021 will also lose their validity on 31.10.2026. After conversion to the SCC personnel VAZ 2021, certificates will generally be issued for a period of 5 years. (Status 12.11.2021-APV-Zertifiezierungs GmbH)